Sunday, March 11, 2012

12 days to go!

From my last communication with Katie, our Tour Leader, it appears that the musical (Wicked - there was not enough interest in either We Will Rock You, or Les Mis) and the Beatles tour (there was not enough interest in the Jack the Ripper tour) will happen on two different nights, so if you signed up for both of those, you'll be busy for both of those nights. You will still get free time to shop and explore during the day, so don't worry too much about that.
I'm in the process of determining the options for those of you who did not sign up for either of these. A lot of these decisions may wait until we're there, but I'm sure something great will come up! You're in London, England for Pete's sake!!
The interest in the Paris at Night/Eiffel Tower tour was so overwhelming as to be unanimous, so we will all enjoy that tour.
As of now it appears that the government has taken care of our fears of an Air Canada strike.
See you on Tuesday (the 13th) at 7 pm. Those of you who have not submitted passport photos, photocopies, signed parent contracts, and tip and buffer money, please do so asap!!

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