About 17 parent/student units (about 40 people in total) showed up to listen to Ange and Chris and I enthusiastically pitch the trip! Thanks for putting up with our rambling. We hope what we said helped make your decision to travel clearer.
After the meeting someone had a question about how to register and it struck me that we just assumed that you would all understand that registration and initial payment for the trip happens online, at the EF website.
To register, you can click on the "Link" to the right "Enrol on the trip (565269)" and enter the trip number (565269). The site should walk you through it from there.
I've also added a link (on the right) to the website of the store (MEC - Mountain Equipment Co-op) that Ange mentioned. It's a great store for travelling and outdoor-living gear. You'll find the sling bag that Ange modelled, as well as great shoes, clothes, and other bags and accessories there. There's a location in Winnipeg, on Portage Avenue.
If you have more questions, email me, or call me at 324-6416 (ext 2042). If I can't answer your question, I can find someone (Ange or Chris or some EF people) who can!

Edinburgh Castle